

Stinson, C. (forthcoming). Raising an AI Teenager. The Philosophy of Ted Chiang. Ed. D. Friedell. Springer.

Vlaad, S. (forthcoming). Texts Without Authors: Ascribing Literary Meaning in the Case of AI. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.


Vlaad, S. (2024). A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Algorithm. Ethics and Information Technology.

Aitken, W., Abdalla, M., Rudie, K. & Stinson, C. (2024). Collaboration or Corporate Capture? Quantifying NLP’s Reliance on Industry Artifacts and Contributions. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Stinson, C. (2024). What are large language models made of? In M. E. Norris and S. E. Smith (Eds.), Leading the Way: Envisioning the Future of Higher Education.

Cappello, A., Dada, M., Grigoreva, V., Khan, R., Stinson, C. & Stuart, H. (2024) Large Language Models and the Disappearing Private Sphere. Report for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner Contributions Program.

Stinson, C. & Vlaad, S. (2024). A Feeling for the Algorithm: Diversity and Expertise in Artificial Intelligence. Big Data & Society.

Vlaad, S. (2024). Transitioning Texts and Genre Reassignment: Trans Poetics as Trans Philosophy. PhiloSOPHIA.


Oreamuno, E.L., R.F. Khan, A.A. Bangash, C. Stinson, B. Adams. (2023) The State of Documentation Practices of Third-Party Machine Learning Models and Datasets. IEEE Software. 41(5):52-59.

Srivastava, A., A. Rastogi, A. Rao, …, Stinson, C., et al. (441 additional authors). (2023). Beyond the Imitation Game: Quantifying and extrapolating the capabilities of language models. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2835-8856.

Li, J., Aitken, W., Bhambhoria, R., & Zhu, X. (2023). Prefix Propagation: Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Long Sequences. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Medema, E. (2023). A Comprehensive Framework for the Development of Ethical Machine Learning in Medicine. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.


Ferguson, V. (August 2022) Race, Racism, and Sickle Cell Disease: Where it Began and Where it Ends. The Red Blood Cell Disorders hub.

Stinson, C (2022). Algorithms are not Neutral: Bias in Collaborative Filtering. AI and Ethics. 

Robertson, J., C. Stinson & T. Hu. (2022). A Bio-Inspired Framework for Machine Bias Interpretation. In Proceedings of the 2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, AIES ’22. 588598. 

Neophytou, N., B. Mitra & C. Stinson. (2022). Revisiting Popularity and Demographic Biases. In Recommender Evaluation and Effectiveness. In Advances in Information Retrieval. ECIR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13185. Springer. 

Li, X., Aitken, W., Zhu, X., & Thomas, S. W. (2022). Learning Better Intent Representations for Financial Open Intent Classification. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.14304.


Stinson, C. (January 2021) The Dark Past of Algorithms That Associate Appearance and Criminality. American Scientist, 109:1(26). 


Stinson, C., L. James, M. Abdalla, N. Moellers, S. Mosurinjohn, S. Phillips & A. Simpson. (November 2020) Limit Corporate Influence, Maximize Public Involvement and Accountability. New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization 

Stinson, C. (2020) From Implausible Artificial Neurons to Idealized Cognitive Models: Rebooting Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. Philosophy of Science. 87(4), 590–611.

Stinson, C. (September 2020) Agency and Ethics in a Complex World. Future EDge, Issue 2. New South Wales Department of Education. 

Stinson, C. (May 2020) Algorithms Associating Appearance and Criminality Have a Dark Past. Aeon